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My Workspace

My Workspace

When initially logging in to the Management Portal, users are greeted by their primary Portfolio Workspace on the My Workspace page. In this area, typical available widgets are:

  • AAP Workflow Dashboard This opens to a bar graph of all open AAP Workflows within that user’s portfolio by the status they are currently in. They have the option to filter down by community, but by default, all activity will load. The user can click on the bar to open a pop-up-window with additional details
  • Open Work This widget, if selected, loads the open work items related to the individual user in a bar graph. The user, as with the AAP Workflow Dashboard, can click on the bar to open a pop-up window with additional details
  • Search. This loads the advanced Search tool that allows users to search on not only current owners, but former owners, workflows, vendors, invoices, maintenance work orders and even more
  • Team Open Work This widget shows the open work related to the user’s entire team

See also:

📊All about CiraNet Workspaces (detailed)

💡What is a Workspace?

📦How to Import a Workspace

💡Why did we create Workspaces, and how will they help you?