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5 Reasons why you should use Management Portal now!

5 Reasons why you should use Management Portal now!

CiraFlash April Edition is out! Check it out here!

TLDR Summary

  • CiraFlash April Edition is here!
  • Save 20-80% percent of the time with Management Portal
  • Customize your own CiraNet with the tools and functionality that you need.
  • Search for page/functionality via the navigation search tool.
  • More screen real estate with a new user interface
  • Use Management Portal and give valuable feedback to help tech team continue to advance CiraNet
  • Management Portal has Dark Mode.

1. Saving Time

Speed! You asked for speed, and we delivered! CiraNet Management / Portal is faster than ever.

With the new speed enhancements, you can save 20 to 80 percent of your time while hands on the keyboard. What would you do with an extra 20 to 80 time? (survey)

2. Customization / Personalization

You can now make CiraNet focused on what you need/want by customizing how CiraNet Workspaces look and what functionality you want to use on your workspace. You can also add bookmarks of the pages that matter to you. This personalization/customization allows you to hone in and focus on what you do best! Each of you has a different work style, preference, and needs for various functionality. This new approach to CiraNet can make a focused CiraNet for all of you.

3. The Amazing new Navigation Search Functionality.

Once you start using it, you won’t be able to go back! The new Navigation search functionality allows you to search for tools, workspaces, and functionality that matters to you within a few keystrokes. You can narrow the search by community, navigation and

4. More Screen Real Estate.

CiraNet Navigation menu can be collapsed so that you get access to more screen real-estate, granting almost a fullscreen experience with the tools and functionality right in CiraNet, without having to export files to external software like Microsoft Excel to view information.

5. Doing your part to make CiraNet even more amazing!

The final and arguably one of the most important reasons to start using CiraNet now is to help the software become even better. We need you to use the CiraNet software to share your valuable feedback with us so that we can continue advancing and adding functionality to the CiraNet platform!

6. Bonus: Dark Mode!

CiraNet has Dark Mode now, meaning you can rest your eyes from looking at a white screen all day. With the new Management / Board portal, you can access multiple themes on the platform, including a Dark Mode theme.

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πŸ“ΊIntro to the new CiraNet

πŸ“ΊLogin and Navigation

🧭Management Portal Login and Navigation Tip Sheet

βš™οΈReporting Technical Issues

πŸ“How to Access CiraNet Management Portal?

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