
By Using the On Ciraconnect website, you are agreeing to the following:

This website and all the information in it is intended for CiraConnect Internal Users and SaaS Clients only. It is not to be shared externally or to be read by external parties

🚧️ For Internal Use Only


Got stuck? See where and how to seek help

Let’s take a quick look at who your resources are and when to use them.

  1. Ask a peer. Sometimes the most expert teachers are the people sitting right next to you. The ones who know what you need and have found the best way to get to it.
  2. Check CiraHelp. The 24/7 assistant at your disposal is CiraHelp. The easiest way to get straight to the help text you need is to click on the question mark next to the page title.
  3. Consult your supervisor. If you are unsure about how to use the portals, or what your company’s policies are in relation to some of the processes within the portals, ask them first. Don’t forget your Financial Manager. All clients utilizing the CiraConnect Shared Services Groups for their back-office accounting have access to a Financial Manager. Your supervisor would particularly be an excellent resource to check with for all accounting related questions. If you are having additional issues, also report them to your supervisor and have them submit a Jira Ticket.
  4. User Support (For supervisors) The user support team helps with bug issues directly related to CiraNet, CiraMobile and CiraBudget. They cannot assist with hardware or ancillary software applications. How do you reach them? Via the Jira ticketing system!

See Also:

✔️Submitting a Ticket via Jira

📍How to Access CiraNet Management Portal?