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Access to CiraNet Management / Board Portal

Access to CiraNet Management / Board Portal

As a friendly reminder, please keep in mind that the CiraNet Management / Board Portal uses the latest version of the CiraNet software, currently only accessible by our internal users (board members do not currently have access.) We are updating it regularly with new advancements and features. Please remember that despite CiraNet being very stable software, due to constant new functionality and value created weekly, there is a slight chance for minor hiccups. We hope you will help perfect CiraNet by reporting the issue to your supervisor.

To access the new functionality available, you need to use the following URL:


As always, my inbox is open to your feedback about any specific communication suggestions at hamed.nouri@ciraconnect.com. Any application issues and/or application-specific suggestions should be submitted through either the Idea Center or Technical Support menu options in User Support.

Feedback on CiraNet Management / Board Portal

Your feedback is very important in helping us take CiraConnect Management / Board Portal to the next level, so please fill out the feedback form here and be honest. It is an anonymous survey.

See also: 🤝Is CiraNet Down or is it Just you?

💻Introducing CiraNet & CiraNet Classic 💬Regarding your feedback!