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Management Portal User Guide Series: Property View

Management Portal User Guide Series: Property View

Any time you want to view a specific owner or property in the CiraNet Management Portal, you can access the pre-filtered information from Property. This "Property View" may also be called "Owner View." In this view all the pages relate to an owner and/or address. This Process and Service Description is a comprehensive tour through the wealth of information provided to from this section of the Management Portal.


Table of Contents

Section One: Access and Usage Tips


Navigate to the Property view using any of the methods below.

  • Search for the owner using the Quick Search at the top of the navigation bar and click on the address in the result grid.
  • Search for the owner using advanced Search and click on the address in the result grid.
Figure 1: Quick Search to Find an Owner|
Figure 2: Using Search to Find an Owner
  • Starting from the Community, navigate to Properties and select Property Details to load the community database on the page. From there, click on the owner you wish to view to have details populate below (there is also the option for a side-by-side view available for this page).
Figure 3: Using the Property Details from Community to Find an Owner
  • From CiraMail, if attributed to a specific owner, click Action and then select Navigate to Owner.
Figure 4: Navigating to the Owner from CiraMail

Clicking on a hyperlinked property, account number, or owner name in any of these places (and many others) will take you to the Property view.

Figure 5: The CiraMail Property Hyperlink

Working in the Property View: Tips and Usage Examples

Once you have identified the owner you are looking for, clicking on the hyperlink to their account ID or address will take you to Property in the Management Portal, landing you by default first on your configured Property Workspace.

Property Workspace

For more details on configuring Workspaces, please refer to CiraHelp and the separate Workspaces and Bookmarks Process and Service Description; however, in brief, this workspace area can be custom configured to bring up the most common information you typically reference when helping an owner. Just about every page in the Property view can be added to the workspace as a widget, as well as users having the option to add Community specific widgets in anticipation of needing it on hand to respond to common owner questions. When accessing an owner, the primary Workspace is the default landing page.

Figure 6: The Property Statuses Widget

One property-specific widget is particularly notable because it provides information that is not available on a separate page. This is the Property Statuses widget. The Property Statuses widget (shown above) provides 20 different data points about an owner. It is a great quickreference where you can see collected owner statuses, such as:

  • Whether the owner is a board member or a "VIP Influencer", meaning there is something notable about them that all internal team members need to be aware of
  • Statement balance
  • Resident Portal accounts

In addition, this is the place to launch certain actions, including:

  • Sign up for ACH
  • Re-order coupons
  • Reset a Resident Portal password

A full explanation of each item in the widget is included in Appendix A.

Understanding How to Use the Property View

Navigate the Property view using the left-hand navigation menu. Pages are divided into Account and Administration groups. Roughly speaking, the Account pages are the ones that owners can see themselves in the Resident Portal. Administration pages are areas that are restricted to internal users.

We will walk through some daily tasks managers and their support teams need the software to complete and how to accomplish that in the Management Portal.

Figure 7: Property Navigation

Example One: Emailing a community document. For instance, if an owner asks that they be provided the community's Architectural Modification Request form or Pool Waiver via email.

  1. Navigate to Account, then Documents.
  2. In the document archive, look under Forms, and locate the correct form.
  3. Open the Action menu for that document and choose Email. A CiraMail composer window will pop up with the owner's email address already populated and your chosen document already attached.
  4. Fill out the body of the email and hit Send.

Example Two: Waive a late fee. If you are in a community that allows late fees to be waived, this can be done from the Property view.

  1. Go to the owner's Statement. If this is configured as part of your workspace, you can just locate it there. Otherwise, go to Account and then select Statement.
  2. Locate the late fee and click on the blue hyperlink in the Document Number column. This will pop up a details box with several other actions available.
  3. If the late fee is eligible to be waived (i.e., it has not already been waived), click the Waive button.
  4. Enter a brief reason for the waiver and click OK.

Example Three: Create a Case to ask another team to help with an issue.

Sometimes the owner's request is something you cannot answer with the information available, and you must create a case for another person or department to address.

  1. Begin by clicking the Create a Case icon in the top right corner of the screen, just under your name. This is an important difference from the icon found on the Navigation Footer menu because this button allows the case to be automatically attributed to the owner.
  2. Change Disposition to Case Opened. Select the Send To Department (recipient) and fill in the case details.
  3. Hit Save.
Figure 8: Creating a Case from the Property View

Example Four: Change a mailing address for an owner. Owners can change their own mailing address in the Resident Portal, but sometimes they will ask us to do it for them. If you receive such a request that meets your company's policy requirements and you want to update the mailing address, follow these steps.

  1. Locate Owner Information in your Workspace or navigate to it via Account and select Owner Information.
  2. Click Edit at the bottom of the page or widget.
  3. Enter the new information and hit Save.

Note: At this time, company owned lots are restricted access regarding changes to mailing address or company contact. This includes trusts. If you need a change to the mailing address in those cases, please create a ticket for User Support by launching the Jira ticketing application from the "lifebuoy" icon found along the Navigation Footer.

Example Five: Take a payment for an owner. If you take owner phone calls, some of those calls will probably be owners wanting to make a payment. Or you may work at an onsite office where owners drop their checks off. These can be turned into echeck payments using the Make a Payment page.

  1. Navigate to Account and then select Make a Payment; a. OR, from the Statement page, click Make a One-Time Payment.
  2. Select the amount, then click either Pay With Credit Card or Pay With eCheck. 3. Verify the owner's information, then click Continue to Payment Site.
  3. At this juncture, the community's partner bank's payment site will populate on the right-hand side of the page and some of the owner's information will be prepopulated in the form, which differs by bank.
  4. Proceed as indicated for each form and submit the payment based on the site's requirements.

Resident Portal Documents versus Owner Documents

Figure 9: Resident Portal Documents (above) vs. Owner Documents (below)

There are two options to view owner documents: from the Account sub-header there is an option entitled Resident Portal Documents and continuing to Administration there is the option of Owner Documents. This is not an error or duplication. These two options are different views and have different options that are important to understand.

Remembering that by and large the options found bundled under Account are items that mirror an owner's view and access, the Resident Portal Documents page reflects precisely what the owner sees in his or her Resident Portal account. While documents can be downloaded to view, there is not an option to upload any additional documents or modify existing documents in any way.

By contrast, Owner Documents are those documents that either the system automatically loads to their account (statements and violation notices) or any other documents we as internal users have uploaded and attributed to that specific owner. This view does have an Actions option, which includes the option to email a document, edit the description or effective date, or even delete the document, if you uploaded it originally or have a supervisory role, among other options. Note that the option to upload new documents is also available from this page.

Why is it important to have both views available? For those clients utilizing a centralized call center, those team members should be discussing only the documents the manager has made available to the owners of a specific community. It also helps internal users to understand what an owner is seeing if they reach out for help with their documents. However, management team members still can fully manage their client's document archives from the Management Portal with its increased efficiency by also providing the Owner Document option.

Both options are also available as Property Workspace widgets.

Navigating Away

Figure 10: Navigating to the Community

Sometimes when working on an owner issue, you need to reference information that is in the Community view. This is conveniently available to users in the Management Portal. In the left-hand Navigation menu, you will see Community above the Property menu item. Clicking this will take you to the Community view with access to all its features. The Property view remains in the navigation menu, and you can hop right back to it if needed.

You will note that this version of the Community view is slightly different than the Community access you get without a Property view reference. This is intended to show you the community items that relate to the property. For instance, in this context, Community does not have violation information for the whole community. Also, the full Community view has additional sections for Entity Administration, CiraBooks, and My Work Queue that are not accessible here. Please see our help guide on the full Community view for details.

In the illustration above, the user navigated to the Community and is on the Community Workspace. While filtered by an individual owner view, they are now, strictly speaking, in the Community module with the limitations mentioned. To return to the Property view, the options are to use the browser's back button or use their mouse pointer to click on the page in Property to return to.

Action Menu

In the top right corner of the Property view is a running man icon with key action items. These are items that are generally not located in the Navigation bar (the exception being the contacts).

Figure 11: The Quick Links Menu in the Property View

Section Two: Property Modules

Understanding what the concept of the Property view is, now we can look at each module available in the Property view in order of appearance and learn how to use them.


Additional Information

Additional Information is a customizable module that a management team can use to track data that is unique to a community's needs, such as tracking vehicle registrations, lease tracking, pets, etc.

This page contains a sub-tab for each type of Additional Info database that is enabled for the community. By default, only Household Members is enabled for most communities. The Additional Info grid in the Property view displays the records that relate just to the selected property.

Users manage the information by selecting the tab they wish to edit / view located along the top of the pane.

Figure 12: Examples of Additional Information

Adding a Record. To add a new record in this module, click on the tab for the right database to manage and then click on the Add New button to open to a pop-up window that will differ depending on the database configuration. Once the form is complete, click on Submit to add the information for the specific owner.

Figure 13: Adding a New Entry in Additional Info

Using Actions. If a change needs to be made, or if the item being tracked is no longer valid, users can click on Actions to Edit, which re-opens the pop-up window to allow changes or Set Inactive, which removes it from the default Active view, but does not delete the entry.

Architectural Application

This page reflects any modification plans previously submitted by the specific owner and can be used to add a new application in much the same way an owner would in the Resident Portal. The initial view reflects the Open Applications, but any Closed Applications can be viewed in a second tab. Both tabs are presented in a grid format. In this view, the community has been enabled to allow for owner submission directly from the Resident Portal, allowing the same options to populate to the Management Portal, with options to manage as follows:

Figure 14: Architectural Application Module
  1. Download Application. This allows the user to download the community's application form.
  2. Download Guidelines. The community Architectural Guidelines / Instructions can be downloaded by clicking here.
  3. Add New Improvement Request. Once the forms and other support documents are ready, the user can upload the information by clicking here to open to a pop-up window that mirrors the submission box an owner would see in the Resident Portal.

For those communities not enabled for modification requests to be submitted directly from the Resident Portal, the page view in the Management Portal differs slightly, showing the button to add a new request, but not allowing for quick access to the form or any guidelines. Other information presented is the same. Applications added using this option are entered in the status of Initial Request.


Figure 15: Example of Your Compliance Module

Note that the header on the page shows Your Compliance, an indication that this is what the owner sees in the Resident Portal presented in a grid format. This is a read-only view of their activity, defaulting to the Open records, but also showing any Closed records in a second tab. Violations cannot be escalated or closed from this view.

Contact Information

This section allows users to manage a resident's contact information (phone numbers and email addresses), including setting preferences for receiving email and text messages from their community. This is much like the view the owners have and can manage in the Resident Portal. Users may enter as many phone numbers and email addresses as they wish in the system. Ideally, each phone of these numbers or email addresses are linked to a contact, which is an individual associated with the property. Emails and phones that are not linked to a specific contact are shown as Unassigned.

More detailed information on specific types of contacts can be found by clicking on the question mark to the right of the page header to open to CiraHelp.

Managing contact information from this page can be accomplished using the following tools:

Figure 16: The Contact Information Page
  1. Manage Contacts. To add a new contact, click on the Manage Contacts button to open to a brief menu and select Add New Contact. Fill in the name, select the proper mailing address and enter any phone numbers or email addresses for the contact. Users may also Manage Phones/Emails or Change Contacts Order from the drop-down menu.
  2. Edit. Opting to click on Edit opens to a pop-up window allowing the user to edit any of the information available for the specific contact selected
  3. Delete. Clicking here will allow the user to delete the contact in its entirety. The information is immediately deleted and cannot be recalled, so a prompt will open to verify the intent before completing the action.

Directory Sharing

Figure 17: Directory Sharing

While ideally owners use their Resident Portal account to self-manage what information they will share on the Resident Directory, the information can be managed from the Management Portal as well, using the same page layout the owner has available. The process is simple and can be done quickly by selecting from All, None or Custom and then using a series of toggle buttons to indicate that Yes data can be shared or No it remains private to the owner and the management team. Once a change is made, the Save button will finalize any changes.

Make a Payment

As the name suggests, this is the place to go to assist an owner to make a payment, but not to sign them up for recurring payments. However, if the owner is already enrolled in ACH, this page will indicate that is the case.

Figure 18: Alert that the Owner is Enrolled in ACH

The full page will again show the assessment rule for the property, followed by a series of options with a radio button to the left of each option to select. Once the choice is made, the payment option buttons will enable. The typical payment options will be to pay by credit card or echeck.

Figure 19: The Make a Payment Screen

After making the selection, the next screen serves as a confirmation page to verify the property, amount, and contact information before continuing to the bank's payment site. From there the payment site will differ depending upon the community's partner bank.

Figure 20: Confirmation Page

Owner Information

As the name implies, this is a screen where some key components of the property owner's information are stored and maintained, including their names, mailing address, and their rights and privileges. The information can only be edited by clicking on the Edit button:

Figure 21: The Owner Information Page

Once any changes are made, users will see the Save button enabled and need to be sure to click on it to complete the actions.

Please note, as mentioned in Section One, most internal users cannot change this information for company owners, which include trusts. If updates to those types of owners need to be made, please request the change via a Technical Support ticket.

Portal Dashboard

Figure 22: Portal Dashboard

This view will mirror the My Dashboard an owner sees in the Resident Portal. The concept for the Dashboard is a landing page for the owner giving him or her a summary view to the activity on all aspects of their account. One difference is if the owner has more than one property linked to their account, the dashboard they see will reflect all activity on all accounts, whereas the internal user is looking at a single property dashboard from this view.

Property Information

Figure 23: Property Information

Also entitled Property Information, this page is mirrored in an owner's Resident Portal account and provides both the legal information that uniquely identifies each property in the system and the property charges for that unique property.

Note from the illustration below, the information the owner needs to establish a Resident Portal account can be found here: the Account No. and Check Digit. This is also a convenient view to the assessment and late penalty rules for the specific property.

Report a Violation

This page is the same as the Report a Restriction Violation page the owner has access to from the Resident Portal. Any reports added from this vantage point are processed in the same manner as well, meaning they will come in as Request Inspector Follow-up and there will not be a name associated with the initial report.

Resident Portal Documents

Referring to Section One where this page was contrasted with the Owner Documents page, which is accessed from the Administration section, you will recall that this page is the same view that an owner has from the Resident Portal. No modifications to documents can be made from here, but it is an important resource to be able to have a knowledgeable discussion with an owner and understand what they have access to.

Restrictions Summary

Figure 24: Property Restriction Summary with Report a Violation

While at first glance, this may seem redundant to the Restrictions Summary view in the Community Compliance section, this is specific to the property being viewed, which can be relevant if the community has differing restrictions by section or phase. Note that the user can leverage reporting a violation from this screen as well as from the Report a Violation page.


This page shares qualities with the statement view in the Management / Board Portal, but more specifically the statement in the Resident Portal. The salient points of working with this interactive statement view are:

Figure 25: The Account Statement
  1. Begin Date and End Date. The default view in all CiraNet portals is a beginning date of the first of the current month a year prior. The End Date is today's date. Either or both dates can be changed either forward or backwards by overriding the date in the date field or using the calendar icon to find the desired date. Click Refresh to change the statement range.
  2. Sub-Ledger. Most community associations use the Assessment sub-ledger for all transactions, but if a community uses other sub ledgers, users can filter the statement view by choosing a particular sub-ledger from this drop-down box. The default is All.
  3. Actions. The actions available will differ depending upon user role, but for a community association manager, the typical options are to:
    1. Add Invoice. Meaning that miscellaneous invoices, such as manual compliance fines, legal fees, ancillary service charges, etc. can be added to the individual owner's account from here.
    2. Add Payment. Payments can be added to the owner's account from this option.
    3. Make a one-time payment. Internal users can assist owners with an echeck or credit card payment from this option.
    4. Set Recurring Payment. Not all internal users have this function, but for those who do, they can setup an ACH draft for the owner.
  4. Beginning Balance. This box shows the owner's balance forward from the statement's Begin Date.
  5. View / Print Statement. This action allows a statement to be generated as a pdf using the date parameters set, which can then be downloaded.
  6. Make a One-Time Payment or Setup Recurring Payments This allows the user to assist the owner with making, just as the name suggests, a single payment or to setup recurring payments. The owner sees these same options from the corresponding page in the Resident Portal.
  7. Document No. The document no. convention tells the user quite a bit about the line item they are looking at. They can immediately tell if the charge is a regular assessment (RAS), finance charge (FCC), late fee (LFC), etc. But if they click on the title, they can see even more about the charge, such as when it was applied, by whom (or what process), and the GL account number it applies to. In some cases, such as those late fees and finance charges, the user can Reverse or Waive the fees. Click on Print and a statement form is generated with the single line item.

Work Orders

Figure 26: The Work Orders Page

This page is filtered down to only those Maintenance Work Orders applicable to the property you are working in. Note that there are two tabs: Open Work Orders and Closed Work Orders. Any work order in the status of Completed or Canceled move to the second tab, but all other statuses (which include Initial Request, Approved, Out to Bid, In Progress or On Hold) are considered Open. Both tabs are presented in a grid format and may span multiple pages.

There are a couple of departures from the page the owners have available to them. In this view, internal users can open a new Work Order by clicking the Add New Work Order button at the top right-side of the page. Additionally, internal users have the Action button that allows most management team members the ability to do the following:

View /Edit
Opens the pop-up window for the work order so it can be modified as needed.
Generate Work Authorization
Clicking here generates the paf of the Work Authorization that is then housed in the Work Order itself.
Generate and Email Work Authorization
This option generates a new Work Authorization and attaches it to a CiraMail email composer.
Email Latest Work Authorization
The difference here to the action above is that this option takes the most recent previously generated Work Authorization to attach to the email composer.
Change Status
This option allows the user to select from the side menu any of the possible statuses to set for the Work Order.
Manage Work Authorization
Choosing this option opens to the Manage Work Authorization pop-up window to allow the user to manage the options as they need to.
Manage Proposals
In this case, the pop-up for Manage Vendor Proposals opens.
Manage Task References
Users can link Project/Tasks to the Work Order (and vice versa). This is a great way to help manage larger maintenance projects involving multiple vendors or phases.
Manage Invoice References
This option allows users to link the work order to either open or closed invoices that are in AAP Workflow.

For more information on opening and managing Maintenance Work Orders, please refer to CiraHelp.



The purpose of this page is to manage the owner's amenity media and/or inventory. The page opens to a two-tab view of Access Media and Inventory. Examples of Access Media would be pool card keys, fobs, etc. Examples of inventory might include RV parking spaces or storage unit assignments. While these items cannot be configured from here, they can be assigned to the individual owner, and any previously assigned media or inventory can be viewed or unassigned.

Figure 27: Amenities

To issue media, click on the Issue Media button at the top of the Access Media tab to open to a pop-up window:

Figure 28: Issue Amenity Media
  1. Amenity Selection. The list of amenities with media will populate in a grid format on the top half of the pop-up window. To populate the information in bottom half of the pane, click on the correct amenity.
  2. Select Media to Assign. Next, check the boxes) to the left of the media being assigned to the owner.
  3. Selected Owner. This section allows the internal user to verify certain statuses for the owner to be sure they are eligible for amenity privileges.
  4. Save. To record the media on the owner's record, be sure to click Save.

Issue Inventory works in much the same manner, with the pop-up window looking slightly different to accommodate the difference in the item. In this case, inventory items often have fees associated with them, some of which are recurring. Or they can even be for a specific period, all of which can be accommodated through the Assignment Information.

Figure 29: Assigning Inventory


Figure 30: Architectural Application Page

This page parallels the Architectural tab in Property Info for owners in the classic CiraNet Management / Board Portal. From here, internal users can manage modification requests from start to finish, from entering a new application to changing statuses, adding files, and launching Custom Response templates, among other actions. The page is split into two tabs: Open Applications and Closed Applications, so all activity whether current or resolved can be accessed for the specific owner. Again, this page works just as the classic version, which many are familiar with, but for anyone needing more detailed usage instructions, please refer to CiraHelp.


Figure 31: The Communications Tabs

This page is a view of the logged emails, calls and texts (if applicable) linked to a specific owner presented in a grid. When opening to the page, the default tab is Emails/Phone Calls, showing all communication linked to that owner, including any Email Mass Communication the owner was included in.

The Text tab will show all text communication filtered by a specific contact and, by default, the texts sent and received over the last 90 days, which can be modified by manipulating the From and To dates.

For additional details on what can be managed from this page, click on the question mark to the right of the page header to access CiraHelp.

Owner Collection

The Owner Collection page, like its counterpart in the Management / Board Portal, allows users a convenient summarized view of the owner's past due account status, including the current balance, last payment made, a history of collection notices, whether the account has been referred and to what firm or agency as just some of its features.

Figure 32: The Owner Collection Page
  1. Action. This button will open to a pop-up window entitled Customer Status that allow varied users certain actions to manage the owner's collection status, depending upon their business role. But, for the management teams it allows for the suspension of collection activities. This process works much as it does in the Management / Board Portal, but with a facelift, in that the actions are controlled by toggling a button rather than checking a box:
Figure 33: The Customer Status Pop-Up Showing Collection Team Access
  1. Collection Notepad. This area allows for users to notate information relating specifically to collection matters for the owner. The same notepad is accessible from the upper right-hand corner of the Customer Status. In the illustration above, users can tell notes have been made previously since the notepad icon is green with a white checkmark. If a notepad is blank, it will appear white O
  2. Activity Log. Clicking on this icon will open to a log of users who have made changes to the owner's collection status.

Owner Documents

As we noted in Section One, this view of the owner's document archive shows all documents specifically attributed to that owner, regardless of whether he or she can view them on their own Resident Portal account. What it does not show are any of the Community Documents, which may reflect on the Resident Portal account. In other words, this inventory of documents is all strictly relating to the individual owner. Internal users can manage these documents, including adding new documents, editing existing ones, or deleting any that they uploaded originally (supervisors have additional permissions allowing them to delete documents).

Property Notes

Figure 34: Property Notes

The Property Notes are owner specific and for internal use only. Owners do not see them on their Resident Portal account, nor can be enabled to view them. They are also not able to be accessed by the community executives. While, as with the Management / Board Portal, some activity auto logs as a note (for more details on those specifics, click on the question mark to the right of the header to be diverted to CiraHelp), users can add manual notes by clicking on the New Note button located in the upper right-hand side of the pane:


Figure 35: The Violations Page

This page shows all violations recorded for the property. This page works very much like the community-wide Detailed Violations Log, but, of course, filtered to just this one property.

  • Open. This tab displays all open violations, both Fixed and Not Fixed. A violation will not leave this tab until it is completely closed, which can happen automatically following the auto-close period, or manually when necessary.
  • Closed. Once those records are closed by one of the methods mentioned above, they move to this tab.
  • Allowances. The Allowances tab displays a Violation Allowance that have been entered for the property and allows the option to open new ones.
  • Notices. This tab shows all the violation notices that have been sent, which is a great shortcut to be able to access the actual notices, but of course lacks the full history that one can see from the history column in the Open tab.

Recommended Practice / Follow-Up

Now that you have read about Property View, we suggest the following practice exercises:

  1. Configure your default Property Workspace. This is extremely important for the entire rest of your time with CiraNet. Get comfortable with how it looks and how to use it.
  2. Is there a page you use more than others? Try Bookmarking the page.