When users search and select a specific community, the Community Workspace will open. In this view, the user has adopted a Shared Workspace.
While the configuration setup is virtually the same as described above, the widgets available at the Community View differ
- AAP Workflow Dashboard. This widget opens to a bar graph of open workflows. Click on the bar to open to the details of the open workflows filtered for that community, including the ability to see the invoice or open the workflow to action it, if your user permissions allow for it.
- Account Status Summary. This is a chart is based on the metrics listed on On-Demand Report 389: Account Status - Homeowners.
- Board of Directors. This information is the view one would see from the Resident Portal. The names of board members, their company affiliation, if applicable, and their terms are all the information that is shown. Their information cannot be modified from this view.
- Cash and Investment by Account. This chart is based on information found in On-Demand Report 388: Cash and Investments by Account.
- Community Calendar. This widget loads the community-specific calendar, broken into the two tabs of Community and Amenity (if applicable), but is, like its counterpart on the Resident Portal, not able to be edited from here.
- Community Map. The community map utilizes the Google Maps aerial view to provide a visual of the community and the addresses it encompasses. There are various layers of information available that can be enabled or suppressed to show violations, delinquencies, etc.
- Community Metrics. As the name implies, this section, which mirrors that of the section in CiraNet Classic of the same name, lists several key metrics for a single community association, such as the status of the community in the system (if it is onboarding, in production, etc.), the fiscal year, the billing process (statements or coupons), and so on.
- Community Photos. This displays, and allows certain users to edit and manage, the primary photos for the community. This is an important tool for information sharing about a community, but the primary photo is also the one that publishes to the system generated reports (e.g., financial and management reports).
- Community Service Team. This widget will show the assigned management team members (e.g., community manager, accountant, etc.) and their contact information for the community.
- Community Statistics. This widget, for those familiar with CiraNet Classic, is the same data as the Community Information section in the Community View there: both legal and “common” name for the community, the Community ID, total number of lots by type, a description of the community, etc.
- Conveyance – TTM. Charts the property conveyance activity for the trailing 12 months color coded by owner type.
- Information. This data is the Community Info Summary, which can be found and edited in the CiraNet Management / Board Portal Legal Information. This data is equivalent to the Legal Info Summary from the CiraNet Management / Board Portal.
- Local Service Office. This will show the information on the local management office and a photograph of the exterior of the office building.
- [Name of Company / Community] Management Agreement. This widget provides hyperlinks to the community’s Service Level Agreement and Standard Terms and Conditions. This is not a link to the management agreement itself, which is typically available in the community’s Document Archive.
- Operating Fund – TTM Expenses. This information also populates as a chart and draws from OnDemand Report 390: Operating Fund - TTM / Allocations.
- Platted Lots Summary. This selection shows the lots in the database by type.
- Quick Links. This is the same as the section on the Classic Community View that offers the user hyperlinks to various areas within the portal, such as active announcements, the latest completed Management Report for that community, and the list goes on.
- Resident Directory. This information is the same data as found in the Resident Directory in the Resident Portal.
- Violations Summary. This chart populates from On-Demand Report 391: Violations Status.
- Work Processed – Last 30 Days. Also familiar to those users proficient with the classic portal, this widget provides a summary of core management functions processed in the last 30 calendar days. At its face, it is a great summary view, but users can click on the hyperlinked numbers to open to a more detailed view of each category
See also: