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What Functionality does Vendor Management have?

Account Set up / configuration.

  • Setting up vendor accounts and adding the necessary permissions/info for each account.
  • in addition to this, we have more config that is used in application
    • ex: electricity - there may be a certain way in cirabooks to show all these electricity t
    • workflow template.. - xyz gl account number..
    • πŸ’
      this would be needed to be done one time.. then whenever workflow process runs, it gets info from vendor management module.

The CiraNet user interface allows various users, and vendors to be set up, as well as well as allows work orders and contracts to be created. through the UI, a CAM can see all the active vendors and determine the best vendor for the job. New vendors can also be added into the system, but this does not mean they are approved. They may be inactive until the management company acquires all the needed information.


One functionality that is useful in vendor management is a workflow. A workflow can be set up so that under certain conditions, certain rules are applied. Workflow are processes that can be set up based on rules. One use case may be for one particular vendor, there can be a series of things we need to check. So if Community Association Manager approves an action, a checklist can appear.

  • Example: After a lawn mowing service vendor completes a job, there may need to be a series of checks that are prompted.
    • Is the job complete?
    • Is there any damage?
      • if yes, who pays for that?*

One workflow can have different approaches across the company or depending on the vendor. *In certain situations, depending on the vendor, charges, may want to be automatically paid, then disputed later. See Workflow Auto Actions.

Workflow Auto Actions

Workflow auto actions are actions that need to happen regardless of the workflow or various situations that might occur. These can be configured by setting business rules.

  • For example: If the vendor is a utility company, auto-approve the overall bill if under XYZ amount. If there is a dispute, that can be addressed later.

Note: Business rules are inherited from higher tiers/levels by default. So if a rule is set up at the management level, then it is inherited at local level, but can be overridden at the lower level.

  • Example: Insurance document needs to be collected from vendors, including from when until when that insurance is valid for.
  • At the Management level, there may be a rule that states that each vendor needs to provide insurance documents; however, at the local level, where there are utility vendors, insurance is not required because utility companies are offering a service. Or perhaps there is a threshold where small jobs don’t need to provide insurance documents.

Work Order

A Work Order defines the way a job should be done.

  • request for proposal
  • may select more than one vendor of the same type..
  • ask each for a proposal

Board members and CAMs decide who gets the job. Things they may consider are cost, reputation, etc. Once they select a vendor and send work authorization, then the workflow can start.