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What are the Vendor Levels

Vendors are added into the system in tiers, and each grand-child tier inherits permissions and rules from the parent and grandparent tier unless specified otherwise.

The following is the tier structure.
  • Management Company level
    • Region level
      • Community level

CiraNet collects certain informations from a vendor at the highest tier. This is information that will be shared across the company and will not change.

specific info at each level is configured in vendor management..

Information collected at the Management Company level:

  • Tax ID or individual social security
  • W9 documents
    • Example: AT&T w9 documents would be the same throughout all levels.
  • 1099 info
  • Vendor Type
  • EFT (yes/no)
  • If master vendor is, then individuals linked to the master vendor are set
  • If other info needs to be commented on, it can.
    • example: in some instances, general instructions may be available whenever making payments or linking vendors. That can be commented..

Information collected at Region/location level

  • Different branch office contact info
  • Local branch address:
    • example: AT&T may have a local office like AT&T Dallas or AT&T Houston. That specific address can be configured
  • Contacts at the local office
  • notes
  • There could be more than one local office.

Information collected at Community Level

  • Contact info depending on size of the community and vendor, there may be specific contact info for that specific community
  • 1099 info for vendor, specific to the community
  • if on IRS report, it is per community per vendor

  • Displayed Name on 1099 what is a name that should show up on 1099 form for this community.. might have a legal entity name.. or provider or display name.. might differe from vendor name
  • 1099 category name
  • Remit address remit address which is separate from the local address, can be set. Community-level Location may be a different address, but a closer location is available to that specific community..
  • Utility Vendor Account(s) utility vendor can add vendor accounts at the community level. A community may have multiple accounts for utility to track water or electricity per account, which is tracked to separate buildings like a club house.
these are the minimum info we need to get vendors paid and do the booking in our transactions..