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Supported Browsers

Supported Browsers

CiraNet is provided to your users over the Internet, which is a highly convenient way to access a powerful management tool without having to be connected to a network. However, like all sites on the Internet, the browser it is accessed from can make a difference in the site’s performance. This article is meant to help users understand some basics about browsers and how to use them.


Figure 1: Examples of common browsers that are currently supported by CiraConnect

URL vs. Browser

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique address of a resource on the web and every single resource has a unique URL. Web software, or browsers, is how that URL is retrieved and then delivered to you. The URL delivers the same data to any browser, but the browser will have an impact on how the information operates.

Choosing a Browser

Many of us do not spend a lot of time thinking about what they are using to access the Internet and often default to the browser that came loaded on our computer, but browsers are unique with pros and cons to each, depending upon individual preferences. Alternate browsers can easily be downloaded and then need to be updated from time-to-time to keep abreast of new technology. These are among the most common browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari

While each browser has advantages, once they are out of date any application run over the Internet loses functionality, so it is important to keep them updated. Most browsers can be set to update automatically, but some work settings require an administrator to allow updates, so check with your IT service provider if that is the case.


See Also: 🧩Browser Extensions

⚙️ Setting Browser Preferences