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Sunsetting Updates: Portal Selection Changes & CiraMail Classic Redirect

Sunsetting Updates: Portal Selection Changes & CiraMail Classic Redirect

In our previous announcements, we mentioned that the Classic platform would be sunset by the end of this year. That process remains on track, and we are steadily progressing towards that goal. As we move forward, your feedback is invaluable, so we encourage you to report any missing functionality or features.


It’s important to note that most of the Classic features have been carried over to the new platform. However, they may not always be in the same location as before, so if you encounter any confusion, please consult with your supervisor for guidance.

Here are the major updates regarding the sunsetting process:

  1. Portal Selection Update: On the CiraNet.com portal selection page, you will now find the Classic option moved to the bottom of the page. While Classic is still available for now, it has been repositioned.
  2. Functionality Redirects: Starting next week, within Classic, certain functionalities will begin redirecting to the new portal. The first of these will be CiraMail, with redirection expected within the next week or two. Moving forward, we will gradually phase out other tools within Classic, redirecting them to the updated Angular portal.
  3. Label Update: The “all new” text in the CiraNet Management / Board Portal (all new) will now be removed to reflect its transition from the Classic platform.

We appreciate your patience and collaboration as we make these transitions smoother. Stay tuned for further updates, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns.