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Management Portal Property View - Tip Sheet

This Tip Sheet is designed as a quick guide to the Property view in the Management Portal. The Property section is chalk full of information about individual owners, so to learn the full extent of what it provides, please refer to the more comprehensive Process and Service Description. However, if you just need an overview and want to explore on your own, we hope this guide unlocks the door for you.



Navigate to the Property view using any of the methods below.

  • Search for the owner using the Quick Search at the top of the navigation bar and click on the address in the result grid.
  • Search for the owner using advanced Search and click on the address in the result grid.
Figure 1: Using Quick Search
Figure 1: Using Quick Search
Figure 2: Using Search to Find an Owner
Figure 2: Using Search to Find an Owner
  • Starting from the Community, navigate to Properties and select Property Details to load the community database on the page. From there, click on the owner you wish to view to have details populate below (there is also the option for a side-by-side view available for this page).
Figure 3: Using the Property Details from Community to Find an Owner
Figure 3: Using the Property Details from Community to Find an Owner
  • From CiraMail, if attributed to a specific owner, click Action, and then select Navigate to Owner.
  • Clicking on a hyperlinked property, account number, or owner name in any of these places (and many others) will take you to the Property view.

Navigating Away

Figure 5: Navigating to the Community
Figure 5: Navigating to the Community

Sometimes when working on an owner issue, you need to reference information that is in the Community view. This is conveniently available to users in the Management Portal. In the left-hand Navigation menu, you will see Community above the Property menu item. Clicking this will take you to the Community view with access to all its features. The Property view remains in the navigation menu, and you can hop right back to it if needed.

You will note that this version of the Community view is slightly different than the Community access you get without a Property view reference. This is intended to show you the community items that relate to the property. For instance, in this context, Community does not have violation information for the whole community. Also, the full Community view has additional sections for Entity Administration, CiraBooks, and My Work Queue that are not accessible here. Please see our help guide on the full Community view for details.

In the illustration above, the user navigated to the Community and is on the Community Workspace. While filtered by an individual owner view, they are now, strictly speaking, in the Community module with the limitations mentioned. To return to the Property view, the options are to use the browser’s back button or use their mouse pointer to click on the page in Property to return to.

Action Menu

In the top right corner of the Property view is a running man icon with a list of action items. These are items that are generally not located in the Navigation bar (the exception being the contacts).

Figure 6: Property View
Figure 6: Property View Action Menu

A Property Module Overview

Property Workspace

When navigating to an owner from any of the pathways mentioned above, the initial landing page is the Property Workspace. Workspaces are customizable by individual user to have immediate access to specific information those users need the most. For more information on configuring Workspaces, please refer to the separate Process and Service Description.

Account versus Administrative

The Property view is bifurcated into Account and Administrative subcategories. In general, the pages beneath Account are close to or precisely what an owner can see in their Resident Portal account. There are some exceptions where some actions are available to internal users that an owner does not have. Those specific differences are detailed in the more comprehensive Process and Service Description. Administrative pages, however, provide a view that owners do not have. Why provide a view to the same pages the owner’s see? This allows internal management team members to be able to understand the owner’s access to assist them appropriately without needing to take the time to impersonate their account on the Resident Portal.

Resident Portal Documents versus Owner Documents

One of the distinctions between the two subcategories that is important to understand is the difference between the Resident Portal Documents page located under Account and Owner Documents in Administrative.

Figure 7: Resident Portal Documents (above) vs. Owner Documents (below)
Figure 7: Resident Portal Documents (above) vs. Owner Documents (below)

Remembering that by and large the options found bundled under Account are items that mirror an owner’s view and access, the Resident Portal Documents page reflects precisely what the owner sees in his or her Resident Portal account. While documents can be downloaded to view, there is not an option to upload any additional documents or modify existing documents in any way.

By contrast, Owner Documents are those documents that either the system automatically loads to their account (statements and violation notices) or any other documents we as internal users have uploaded and attributed to that specific owner. This view does have an Actions option, which includes the option to email a document, edit the description or effective date, or even delete the document, if you uploaded it originally or have a supervisory role, among other options. Note that the option to upload new documents is also available from this page.

Making a Payment and Generating a Statement

There are different pathways an internal user can take to help an owner with processing a payment, but two primary pathways are both found under Account: Make a Payment and Statement.

Make a Payment

This page will allow the user a direct pathway to help the owner with making a one-time payment, but does not have the option to setup recurring payments.


The statement view on the other hand does allow for users to assist with making a one-time statement, setting up recurring payments and generating a statement, all options found along the top right of the statement pane.

Figure 7: Options to Generate a Statement, Make a One-Time Payment, and Setup Recurring Payments from the Top of the Statement
Figure 7: Options to Generate a Statement, Make a One-Time Payment, and Setup Recurring Payments from the Top of the Statement