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Important 3CX Update from Cyber Security Team

Important 3CX Update from Cyber Security Team

Good morning, RMFB employees!

On behalf of the Cyber Security Team, I'd like to share an important announcement with you.3CX, our phone system, is being updated over the weekend, and part of that update includes a requirement for stronger passwords. So, you will be sent an email with a new password and QR code to update the 3CX apps. If you don’t update the mobile and web app with the new QR Code/password, 3CX will fail to operate.The email you will receive may look like this. You may be prompted to be careful with this email, but this is a legitimate email, so don’t mistake it for a scam or spam.


This is an auto-generated password for 3CX only. This is not related to your RMFB login credentials. The update will happen over the weekend. If you can't access 3CX from that point on, check your inbox for an email from 3CX Communications SystemIf you haven't received your password from 3CX and are having technical trouble with 3CX, reach out to desktop.support@ciraconnect.com for additional help.

As always, my inbox is open to your feedback about any specific communication suggestions at hamed.nouri@ciraconnect.com. Any application issues and/or application-specific suggestions should be submitted through either the Idea Center or Technical Support menu options in User Support.