1) Log into the new Management portal.
You will see the default workspace
Notice the top left area with the search functionality.
2) Select the Community Search
3) Type in the community you wish to send a communication to.
Note that, partial searches may also give you the result you are looking for.
Keep in mind that if a community name contains an apostrophe, omitting it while typing the subsequent letter will lead to an incorrect result.
For example:
- Searching "Adam" for "Adam’s Community Council" will bring up "Adam’s Community Council".
- Searching "Adams" for "Adam’s Community Council" will not yield any results.
- Searching "Adam’s" will bring up the correct result.
4) Press enter on your keyboard, or click the magnifying glass. 🔍
You will see the communities that match your search pop up.
5) Click on the community you want to access
You will now see the default workspace for that community
6) Go back to the top left of the screen where the search functionality is and click on the Navigation search icon 🧭
7) Type mass and click enter
(If you want to type out the entire name of Mass communication, you can of course do that too, but it is much faster to type in Mas and and for the most part it gives you the same result. )
You can now see the Mass Communication page open up in the menu.
8) Click Mass Communications
You will now see the Mass Communications page:
9) Click Schedule Communication
You will see the schedule communication page
10) Make sure all the information that is displayed is correct, then click on the Compose button at the bottom of the screen
After clicking the Compose button, you should see the following screen
11) Click on the dropdown to the right of System Templates
12) Select one of the templates. In this example, we will select the the Annual Meeting Reminder
You will see a new page pop up with a visually pleasing template
On the left side you will see options that you can configure.
13) Type in the required field which are marked by an * sign.
- Meeting Date and Time - Select the date and time for the event
- Meeting Location (Display Text) - Type the name of the location. In case of online locations, you can also type in the name of the video conferencing platform (for example Zoom).
- Hyperlink - If your meeting event location has a link associated with it, then you want to check to enable this field.
- Meeting Location (URL) - If your meeting event location has a link associated with it such as a google maps link or a zoom link, then you can put that URL in this field.
- Additional Comments - This is a field that is on many templates. You can use it to add any additional comments or information you wish to add.
14) Click Select on the bottom right.
15) look through the options at the top for Subject, Send from Address, Schedule On, etc. and make sure they are correct.
16) Click Schedule