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Creating and Maintaining a User Profile in the Management Portal Tip Sheet

Creating and Maintaining a User Profile in the Management Portal Tip Sheet

Welcome! We know, as a new member of the team, you have a lot to do! As you begin to settle in we highly recommend that one of the first things you work to accomplish is to create your User Profile in the Management Portal. The CiraNet platform supports the inclusion of a User Profile for an internal users. Aside from the fact that a completed User Profile assists team members who may be working in various locations to be able to place a face with a name of others whom they are in contact with but have not actually met, this is an important tool for those of us who support you as a user, as it allows us a quick view of your contact information. For some of us, a modified version of this information is visible to executive users as seen on the bottom of their My Community Dashboard - Classic page in the Community Service Team widget. Finally, it is also the vehicle for your badges for the completed Achievement Tests to be displayed, and it is therefore a pre-requisite to being able to take any of those educational courses, which are designed to help acclimate you to the software and services of your management team. Therefore, with all these critical uses at stake, that is why we ask you to set up your profile very soon after you receive your login credentials, and this Tip Sheet is designed to help step you through the process.


How to Create / Modify Your User Profile

Accessing the User Profile Tool

To begin, from the Navigation Pane, open the Administration node, then Tools and click on Manage My Profile.

Figure 1: Accessing the Profile Page
Figure 1: Accessing the Profile Page

You will open to a page on the right that will allow you to proceed to create your unique profile.

Figure 2: The User Profile Page
Figure 2: The User Profile Page
  1. Edit. A photo is a requisite feature to be able to save your profile. Each management company can determine their own protocols and best practices, but we will provide some best practice suggestions in the section below. Once you have the photo that meets your company's requirements, uploading it into the profile can be done by clicking on the Edit button as illustrated above. This will in turn open to a pop-up window allowing you to either upload an existing photo or take one from your computer's camera:
  2. Figure 3: Upload a New Profile Photo Utility
    Figure 3: Upload a New Profile Photo Utility

    Note that the maximum size that the tool can support is 200 x 200 dpi and will be shown as a thumbnail in the finalized product.

  3. Name. This information will populate automatically based on your User Setup profile and will include your name and your title.
  4. Override Location Email. This option pertains to the default CiraMail box below the toggle. Sliding it to Yes allows you to set another primary CiraMail box to use as your default point of contact, for those of us who work in more than one box.
  1. True Color Attributes. This will not be applicable for most of you but is based on a personality profile our teams have used in the past that help us to get to know one another a little better.
  2. Profile Approved By and Profile Approved On. This information will auto populate when your profile is approved.
  3. Birthday. This information is for your company's Human Resources only and is not seen by any other user. Your birth year is not entered, only the month and day.
  4. Mobile. Please enter the mobile number that you use for work.
  5. Office Phone. For some of us, this may be auto-populated during setup. But for many of us it is not and please enter it here.
  6. Experience Summary. Please tell the reader something about your professional qualifications in this space. As with your profile photo, each management company will have its own specific protocols for the information to populate here, but we do provide some recommended best practices in the section below.
  7. Certifications & Licenses. Next, select your professional licenses. Click on the Add New Certificate / License to open to a list of common licenses to select. Select all that apply and then click on Select to have them populate in that section of the profile.
  8. Education. This section should be used to list finished degrees only. If you are currently working on a degree, we recommend listing that in the Experience Summary above for the time being. From the drop-down menu accessible when clicking on Add New Degree, we have a list of most major universities not only nationally, but internationally, and many of the smaller colleges and private institutions as well. If you do not see your school listed, please reach out to your supervisor, and request they open a Technical Support ticket to have it added.
  9. Save. Click here once you are satisfied. The profile will not appear to other users in CiraNet until it has been approved by another party, typically a supervisor. That allows them to make sure the tone of each profile is consistent and in keeping with their company protocols.

Once a profile has been entered and approved, it can be edited and updated at any time, but with each edit it will need to be approved again.

Direct email addresses are displayed to internal staff along with the other information in your profile, while the picture, phone, community email (CiraMail address) and the professional experience are shared with the community executives.