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Board/Committee Approvals
The CiraNet platform can support an optional business process designed to systematically insert configured board and/or committee members into a defined work process before the management team can take additional action. Currently, CiraNet supports:
- Architectural Application Approval
- Collection Account Referral Approval
- Invoice Approval
In all cases, the community must first be enabled for the process, which differs depending upon the business process. For more information on the process, refer to CiraHelp.
Once the community is enabled, the management team activates the board/committee approvers and will be responsible for maintaining that going forward. For more detailed instructions on managing that process, refer to the CiraConnect Board and Committee Setup and Maintenance Process and Service Description. Once both configuration steps are complete, your board or committee member is ready to go as soon as an item is set for them to review.
The common question is: how do they know they have a file to review? By default, when setting them up to approve items, they are enabled to receive email notifications periodically, which can be customized according to the voter's preference or turned off if they so request. For invoices, once a new record is available in the approval queue, they receive an autogenerated email notifying them of the item, along with a summary of all other items awaiting review. But, in general, reminder emails are sent in the early morning based on the enabled configuration timeline that contains the summary of all open items (even if they have already voted on them) and a link that takes them immediately to the Board Approval page. This allows the executive to keep tabs on the items, and if the other members are not being responsive, they are at least aware of that.
As mentioned above, the number of days between reminders can be customized, but there are some default options by process:
- 3 Days - Architectural Applications
- 7 Days - Collection Files
- 3 Days - Invoice Approvals
With or without an email reminder prompt, board and committee members can log in to either CiraNet or CiraMobile for iOS devices to review and act on any assigned items. While the two venues vary in their use, both allow a full view of the item and offer all the same action options, and they are updated in the same timeframe so that they can use either option with confidence.
Tip Sheets are available for distribution to the voting board or committee members for each business process, which can also prove helpful guides for internal users to understand what they are seeing and how to support them. All three business processes will allow an internal member to act on behalf of the board or committee member if necessary. Board members can access their items for review in CiraNet in one of three ways:
1. Bell icon. Located along the top-right-hand side of the page, voting members can click on the icon when they see it contains a badge in red indicating there are items to review. This will divert them to the Board Approvals page.
2. Board Approvals at the Community Node. From My Work Queue at the Community level, click on Community Management at the community level and then select Board Approvals.
3. Board Approvals at the Portfolio Node. There is also a portfolio Board Approvals page in the My Work Queue at the portfolio view, the differences being where it is situated in the pane and that members who serve on more than one community can view all their items from this location. In contrast, the Board Approvals page in the Community view will be filtered to just that community.
Users can bookmark these pages for quicker return access.
From CiraMobile, they have access to a My Work Inbox icon like internal users see, and they even have a badge to alert them to how many items they are responsible for.